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     Ankey Ann and Jimmy
        Ankey Martin Ulmer                   Ann Brown Singleton                    Dr. Jimmy White
                              Three very special people in the class of '64

Ankey Martin Ulmer aka Black Hat.    She is the lead sleuth and detective in the never ending search to locate the members of our class.  It has been through her efforts and those of her staff that virtually the entire class has been located, at least once.  Some members multiple times.  Some have been found and subsequently vanished.  Some have been found and requested to return to obscurity.    

Ann Brown Singleton.    She is the driving force behind the effort to re-unite the class of '64.  It is her relentless hounding of the detective staff, her relentless nagging for bios, her relentless publishing of newsletters, her relentless pushing for an updated webpage, and most important of all, her relentless spirit of energy, that has brought our class back in communication with each other.  She is the duct-tape holding the class of '64 together.

Dr. Jimmy White.  He is the inspiration for our entire class.  His selfless giving of his time, energy, and skills to the people of Coban, Guatemala, has prompted the class to rise up and support him in this noble endeavor.   His stories of daily life in this remote village have frightened us, inspired us, saddened us, and filled us will hope.  He is one of those very special people willing to risk his life for others.
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