Sheila Alderman Dunigan



Sometimes you just can't take the cheerleader out of the the girl.


Aren't grandkids WONDERFUL?
Here's my little slugger grandangel.

Sheila's grandangel

This is a pic of me and my niece Chelsea on the left and my
oldest grandangel Hayden in Ft Myers Fl.  I don't know if you remember
that my Mom had my only brother mid-term our Junior yr.  He now has 4
children ages 13-20.  Of course I consider them my grandchildren since
my brother was more like my child than my brother.  I take each one of
them anywhere they want to go on a senior trip so this is what brought
us to Ft Myers. We had a ball, had our first summer beach crush, and got
our first henna tattoo.  I'm such a prude, the girls nearly fainted when
I told the tattoo guy that I wanted a Fleur de les.  They said they had
just discussed that they would have to get me drunk just to get a henna



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